There is no force more powerful than a man who is determined to rise and Vick Rana, Group Chairman, Red Ridge Global is the quintessence of this axiom. Scaling high to become one of the world’s best-known billionaires offers some crucial lessons for anyone aspiring to succeed as an entrepreneur. Having kick-started his entrepreneurial drive with just $600 at his dispense, today, the business claims to clock a turnover of close to a billion US dollars. He climbed the ladder to success but not without traveling down a road that was riddled with many life lessons yet managing to power through them and succeed against all odds.

Readiness to adapt to changes, deliberate planning and always thinking out-of-the-box are some of the qualities that dot his path to success. Under his able guidance, Red Ridge Global’s Indian arm, Stone Sapphire has been able to create a leading position in the country over the past seven years through its flagship brand Sk’oodle, a brand offering a comprehensive range of art supplies, craft material and eco-friendly stationery for children across the country. His passion for business and the zeal to make the lives of children better have been the key driving forces behind his accomplishment. He is truly a living example of how sheer determination and hard work can transmute you into a global leader.

The self-made billionaire guides budding entrepreneurs to follow their passion, anticipate problems, learn from their mistakes and to be an expert in their trade, all of which are indicators of where your future will take you.

He believes entrepreneurship tags along with it the fear of failure but fledgling businessmen should never give up on their goals, instead must outwork everyone else to emerge a winner.

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